

The Future of Education and Creative WoRK

4 December, 2023

Auditorium Egget, Bergen, Norway


08.30 – 09.00: Registration

09.00 – 09.30: Welcome

09.30: Keynote: Ron Beghetto, Partnering with AI for developing and refining creative possibilities

10.15: Coffee break

10.30: Keynote: Constance de Saint-Laurent

11.15: Interactive session / workshop: Ron Beghetto

12.15: Lunch

13.15: Mini concert and AI & creativity talk: Ole Fredrik Norbye

13.40: Keynote: Samuel Greiff

14.25: Coffee

14.45 - 15.45: Panel: Speakers + Barbara Wasson, Vlad Glaveanu & Ingunn Johanne Ness


“TBD Title”

Dr. Ronald A. Beghetto (Arizona State University)

“The myth of the creative bot: Perceptions of AI and their consequences”

Dr. Constance de Saint-Laurent (Maynooth University)

“Creativity and AI: Complementing or Contradicting Each Other in 21st Century Education?”

Dr. Samuel Greiff (University of Luxembourg)

"Konsert: Fostering creativity with AI"

Ole Fredrik Norbye will present a brief concert-style session focusing on the significance of creativity in contemporary businesses and the potential of AI as a valuable resource for the workforce of the future. He will delve into the opportunities that AI presents and share insights on navigating the multitude of AI solutions, each promising to enhance our lives. Furthermore, he will explore the intriguing question of whether increased opportunities lead to greater creativity.

Funded by Globale samfunnsutfordringerand L. Meltzer's College Fund