Photo: Pål Hoff

International Symposium:
Interdisciplinary Collaborations for Innovation

6. December 2018 - 09:00-17:30

This one-day, international symposium aims to unravel some of the mystery around interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. It builds on the success of the Creativity, Learning, and Technology symposium held in Geneva, December 2017.

Participants are local and international experts working within the field. They will share their knowledge regarding recent developments in this exciting area of research and engage in discussions about future directions.

Hosted by the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE)* in the dynamic ambiance of the new Faculty of Art, Music and Design at UiB, the day will include keynotes, discussion, presentations and debates enabling participants to learn, reflect, and contribute to the development of this important new multidisciplinary research area.

*SLATE is a multidisciplinary, cross-Faculty Research Centre at the University of Bergen, hosted at the Faculty of Psychology.

Keynote Speakers

Michela Magas

Michela Magas is an innovation catalyst who bridges the worlds of science and art, design and technology, and academic research and industry, with a track record of over 20 years of innovation. She is an advisor to both the European Commission and the G7 Leaders in the area of Innovation, Artificial Intelligence and Creative Industries. In 2017 she was awarded European Woman Innovator of the Year and in 2016 she was presented with an Innovation Luminary Award for Creative Innovation.

Marco Runco

Mark Runco is a leading creativity scholar who is active in empirical research and has published cognitive, economic, genetic, historical, developmental, and educational books and articles on the topic. To help people fulfill their capacity for creativity, he has devised a battery of tests that measures creative potential and performance.

Vlad Glăveanu

Vlad Glăveanu is Associate Professor and Dept. Head of Psychology and Counselling at Webster University Geneva, Ass.Prof. II at UiB, and Director of the Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation (WCCI). His work, published in over 150 papers, chapters and books, focuses on creativity, imagination, culture, collaboration, and societal challenges. He received in 2018 the Berlyne Award from the American Psychological Association for outstanding early career contributions to the field of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts.


8:30 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome: Ingunn Johanne Ness & Barbara Wasson, UiB, SLATE

9:15 - 10:00 KEYNOTE: Vlad Glaveanu (Webster University Geneva, Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation)
Title: Unpacking interdisciplinary, cultivating creativity

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 - 10:50 Presentation 1: Bettina Husebø (UiB, Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine)
Title: Blue Zones and Living Lab

10:50 - 11:10 Presentation 2: Francesco Arese Visconti (Webster University Geneva)
Title: 'Sua Cuique Persona:' Face as Mask in Photographic Portraits of Italians in 21st - Century Switzerland

11:10 - 11:30 Presentation 3: Petter Bergerud (UiB, Department of Design)  
Title:  The Future Bridgebuilders

11:30 - 12:00 Lounge panel with morning speakers
Facilitator: Anders Waage Nielsen

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 13:15 Music / Jazz – Ole Fredrik Norbye

13:15 - 14:00 KEYNOTE: Mark Runco (Editor, Creativity Research Journal, Professor, & Distinguished Research Fellow)
Title:  Creativity for Interdisciplinary Collaborations for Innovation

14:00 – 16:00 Multidisciplinary Group Work
Ingunn Johanne Ness (SLATE, UiB): How to succeed with Innovation work in multidisciplinary groups
Bente Irminger (KMD, UiB): Design Thinking through multidisciplinary teams

16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break

16:15 – 17:00 KEYNOTE: Michela Magas (Founder and Creative Director, Innovator)
Title:  Moonshots and Fuzzy Spaces: Creative Thinking as a Driving Force for Innovation and  Transdisciplinary Exchange of Knowledge

17:00 - 17:30 Final lounge panel
Michela Magas, Rector Dag Rune Olsen, Dean Bente Wold (Psychology) and others

17:30 – 17:40 Wrap-up: UiB Rector, Dag Rune Olsen


Auditorium Knut Knaus
Faculty of Art, Music and Design
University of Bergen (UiB)

Møllendalsveien 61, Bergen, Norway


University of Bergen &
Webster University Geneva


Ingunn Johanne Ness (SLATE, UiB)
Vlad Glaveanu (Webster University Geneva)
Bente Irminger (KMD, UiB)
Reidun Kjome (IGS, UiB)
Susan Johnsen (FA, UiB)
Jorunn Viken (SLATE, UiB)