Teachers, principals, rectors, teacher educators, instructors, researchers and students in pedagogy and other discipline, and all others interested in education, are welcome to attend! The conference is supported by the University Fund at the University of Bergen.
There is no conference fee, but please register by 24 May 2019. Lunch is available for purchase at the cafeteria in the student centre.
At the conference we will:
Ingunn Johanne Ness & Olga Dysthe
Final program
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome
09:10 - 09:55 Rupert Wegerif
Education as opening, widening and deepening dialogic
09:55 - 10:10 Questions & Comments
10:10 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 11:15 Eugene Matusov:
Students and teachers as authors in a Bakhtinian critical
11:15 - 11:30 Questions & Comments
11:30 - 11:50 Music
11:50 - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 - 13:30 Olga Dysthe
Writing and talking in dialogic pedagogy and the role of the
13:30 - 13:45 Questions & Comments
13:45 - 14:30 Per Fibæk Laursen
The next didactic revolution will become dialogical
14:30 - 14:45 Questions & Comments
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 - 15:30 Ingunn Johanne Ness
Polyphony and creative knowledge processes in the
classroom and in higher education
15:30 - 16:00 Ingvill Rasmussen & Kari Anne Rødnes
Dialogue + microblogging = multivoicedness?
16:00 - 16:45 Panel Discussion
Matusov, Wegerif, Laursen, Dysthe
Auditorium EGGET, Studentsenteret
Parkveien 1,
University of Bergen (UiB)
Bergen, Norway
Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE)
Ingunn Johanne Ness (SLATE)
Olga Dysthe (SLATE & iPED)
CONTACT: Ingunn Johanne Ness
About the speakers
Rupert Wegerif, Professor, Cambridge University, UK, er co-director of Cambridge Education Dialogue Research Group (CEDiR), with the goal of developing a global research community in in dialogical approaches to teaching. In particular he is interested in dialogic teaching theory, as well as the Internet and new media as a tool for dialogic pedagogy and creativity. Examples of his recent publications include: Dialogic education and technology: Expanding the space of learning (2007), Mind-Expanding: Teaching for Thinking and Creativity (2010), Dialogic: Education for the Internet Age (2013) and Dialogic Education: Mastering core concepts through thinking together (2017).
Eugene Matusov, Professor at the School of Education, University of Delaware , USA. Matusov is editor of the on-line journal Dialogic Pedagogy Journal and has written the book Journey into dialogic pedagogy (2006). He was born in the Soviet Union, studied psychology in the Vygotsky tradition, and was a teacher before he immigrated to the USA. He is particularily interested in Bakhtin and sociocultural approaches to the study of learning.
Per Fibæk Laursen, Professor at the Institute for Education and Pedagogy (DPU), Århus University, is an influential Danish educational researcher who participates actively in debates about school. He has constantly new publications, such as the trilogy: Drop ambitionerne - og lav bedre undervisning (2015), Didaktiske ambitioner: alle elever med (2017), and Dialog. Realistiske ambitioner for folkeskolen (2017).
Olga Dysthe, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Education, University of Bergen. Dysthe has published a number of articles and books on dialogic approaches to writing, feedback, and education, such as Det flerstemmige klasserommet (1995), Dialog, samspel og læring (2001) and Dialog-basert undervisning. Kunstmuseet som læringsrom (2012).
Ingvill Rasmussen, is Professor at the Institute of Pedagogy, University of Oslo. Her central research focus is how digital technology changes the ways we communicate, understand, and learn from experiences. She participates in the DiDiAC project with Cambridge University and uses Mercers concept ‘thinking together’. She has recently published Læringsressurser og lærerrollen – et partnerskap i endring? and DiDiAC-prosjektet: Mikroblogging som støtte for klasseromssamtaler (2017).
Kari Anne Rødnes, Assistant Professor at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo. Her research focus is on language arts education and learning dialogues, with particular attention to specialized language and technology as tools to support classroom talk. She participates in the DiDiAC project, lead by Ingvill Rasmussen. Rødnes has recently published «Jeg hører på den hver dag, jeg». En 10.klasses arbeid med litterære virkemidler og rapptekst gjennom mikroblogg og samtaler (2018) and Skjønnlitteratur og bærekraft - et bidrag fra norskfaget (in press).
Ingunn Johanne Ness, PhD is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen. Ness carries out research on interdisciplinarity, innovation, and creativity in both education and work settings and she has a special interest for dialogic pedagogy. Her research is grounded in a socio-cultural theoretical tradition. She has several new publications in the field: Behind the Scenes: How to research creativity in multidisciplinary groups (2019) and Polyfoni og kreative kunnskapsprosesser i klasserommet (in press).