SLATE held an opening kick-off day
Thursday, 9 June, 2016
University of Bergen’s (UiB’s) Aula

It was held in the University of Bergen’s (UiB’s) Aula.

Over 130 participants from across Norway and internationally attended. Participants represented a broad cross-section of educational players: research institutions, education institutions, educators, policy-makers, ed tech actors …

Among other things the programme included:

  • Faculty of Psychology Dean, Jarle Eid, UiB Rector, Dag Rune Olsen and Director-General Eivind Heder from the Ministry of Education and Research started the day with words of welcome.
  • Centre Director, Barbara Wasson gave an overview of SLATE.
  • International partners from OUCEA (University of Oxford) and CITE (University of Hong Kong) outlined some highlights from their work.
  • Various SLATE partners and researchers spoke of their activities.
  • Sølvi Lillejord, from the Knowledge Centre for Education, and Konrad Morgan, from EDUVATE, pulled some common threads from the day’s presentations in a wrap-up presentation, “the Red Thread”.

The Centre’s foundations have been established, the expectations have been clarified – SLATE is launched!

Photo credits: Stein Unger Hitland