writing camp
Join the sEIS Digital writing camp
17-18 March 2021

As academics we are expected to publish and write good academic texts in order to communicate our research to the world.

But writing can be difficult!


At this Writing Camp we will have both a theoretical and a practical approach to writing.

Questions that will be explored are:

What do we need to write a good academic text?

What can we learn from three different writing traditions?

How can we give constructive feedback?

What is writing block and how to handle it?

The writing camp comprises short mini-lectures combined with both individual writing exercises and discussions in break-out groups and in plenum.

The aim of the writing camp is:

- to learn about writing as a process from both theoretical and practical approaches

- to practice feedback and discover potentials and pitfalls

- to enhance your own awareness of what kind of a writer you are and what strategies may work for you in order to

fight procrastination and writer’s block and to become more creative in your writing.


Ingunn Johanne Ness is a Senior Researcher at SLATE and leader of the research theme creativity, learning & technology.

The material for the writing camp is partially base on writing courses by Profess Emerita Olga Dysthe.