SLATE Guest Lecture

Jun Xiao

July 3, 2018

14:15 – 15:30

SLATE Vektergården, Christiesgate 13, 3 etg.


The Digital Lab of Open Learning in Shanghai Open University (SOU) is a ubiquitous learning space, which mixes digital learning, research, testing, analysis and innovation together, aiming to explore the deep fusion of information technology and open education. It mainly focuses on research concerning learning experiments in digital learning space as well as the research on the evaluation and analysis of the digital learning experience. Recently, we have studied international open learning analytics architecture and developed a blueprint for an open architecture in the field of learning analytics (LA). A design of the SOU Open Architecture for LA (OA4LA) is presented. The core of the model is the LA platform, which consists of a number objectives or processes that are made instantaneously accessible by the analysis module based on data from learning information systems and activity streams coming out of tools and learning resource usage (stored in learning record storage). The output of the analysis process is fed back to the learning application (which adjusts the objectives interacting with the analysis module) after being processed by a learner information (persona) model system. One implementation application case: “Open Learners’ Persona” is also presented.



Prof. Dr. Jun Xiao, a Shanghai “Shuguang” (Dawn) Scholar, is specialized in the field of open and distance education technology: He has experience in implementing distance education systems, as well as having theoretical background and experience in lifelong learning public platforms, online learning, and digital open learning environments. His research results have significantly supported the lifelong learning public service platform for citizens, producing considerable social benefits.  Xiao is a Member of China E-learning Technology Standardization Committee, He has undertaken and participated in a dozen of national and provincial level projects, obtained awards for more than 10 scientific research works, and authored more than 40 publications in indexed journals and 6 academic books.