On Tuesday June 6th, 2017 Professor Daniel Alexandrov, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg will visit SLATE.
At 14:15 he will hold an overview of the research they are doing at his Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science where they carry out research on a variety of themes including:
· Education systems: differentiation and segregation in schools, teachers as a professional group, local educational bureaucracy.
· Students: ethnicity and migration status, academic motivation and attitude towards education and the role of extracurricular activities.
· Migration processes: education and labour migrations, integration of migrants, ethnic businesses and new methods of collecting and processing of digital data on migration.
· Secondary vocational education: differentiation of colleges and organizational environment, the role of colleges in the formation of vocational involvement and student motivation.
· Social networks of teenagers: friendships, selection of friends and their influence, peer effects and network structure of the school environment.
· Risk behaviours and teen health: depression, aggression and social anxiety, bullying, smoking and drinking.
· Social informatics and web data analysis: the youth in the social networks Facebook and VKontakte, web data for studies on education and sciences, social dynamics in computer games, education and computers.
· Science studies and scientometrics:
Please join us if you are interested !
Daniel Alexandrov teaches social theory, analytical sociology, social network analysis, sociology of education, and history of social sciences in the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg since 2002. From 2007 he serves there as Associate Director and directs his own research laboratory on sociology of education and science. His lab focuses on education and inequality, educational choice and urban segregation, migration and education, social networks of adolescents (online and offline), and international collaboration in natural and social sciences. Learn more