SLATE Guest Lecture

Inge Molenaar

November 6, 2019


Vektergården, Christiesgate 13, 3 etasje


Since the introduction 5 years ago, there has been a rapid growth of Adaptive Learning Technologies in primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands. The success of these technologies is explained by the fact that initial implementation was at the level of substitution. Teachers continued to follow they daily routines, making it an easy change from paper books to tablets. Yet our research following 60 schools over 3 years showed that there were substantial transitions in schools after they implemented ALTs. Although transformations were facilitated by technical innovation, modification of pedagogy and didactics were at the heart of these transitions. Only when teachers started to create space for adaptive problem solving and implemented dashboards into their routines, new ways of teaching and learning emerged. Although these ALTs are now used at scale, the current generation of ALTs could be improved to further support transformations in schools. Specifically these technologies tend to offload regulation, whereas the ability to self-regulate learning is a key skill in the 21ste century. New ways to measure and support SRL with in ALTs could support further changes in schools. In novel interventions, we combine extracted analytics in the form of personalized visualizations with embedded analytics that adjustment the interaction between ALT and learners. These new support tools are developed to support learners’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and to develop SRL skills. This articulates a vision on Hybrid Human-AI regulation that empowers learners by augmenting human intelligence with artificial intelligence.


Dr. Inge Molenaar holds master degrees in both Cognitive Psychology and International Business studies. She received her PhD in Educational Sciences at the University of Amsterdam in 2011, and currently is an assistant professor at the Learning & Plasticity group of the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University Nijmegen. Her main interest is technology empowered innovation in education that facilitates students’ talent development. Her research focuses on the application of data from online learning environments, apps and games (learning analytics) in understanding how learning and regulation of learning unfolds over time. Learning analytics and artificial intelligence offers a powerful way to make new steps towards measuring, understanding and designing innovative learning scenarios. In this respect it is important to note that Dr. Molenaar is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, section AI for Human Learning and Behavior Change and of the journal Metacognition and Learning. Moreover, she has received numerous grants from the Dutch Science Foundation among which the personal Veni grant, the European Union and several other national bodies. Of particular relevance is her research on the development of intelligent tutors (Atgentive, EU project) for adaptive scaffolding of self-regulated learning and her current large scale study into the application adaptive learning technologies in primary and secondary schools (Doorbraak project ICT).