SLATE Guest Lecture

Jussi Okkonen

September 3, 2019


SLATE, Vektergården, Christiesgate 13, 3 etasje

Jussi Okkonen
Tampere University, Finland

All are welcome!


In this talk I will tell about how the University of Tampere facilitates the apparatus of schools and industry work in testing and developing educational technology. There are three focus points. The first is about how to compose such an extensive living lab, based on the work conducted in Tampere region for a decade. The second is about how critical assessment, on three layers, supports the work of the key stakeholders. The third  is about the practical side of working with such an environment, i.e.,  the praxis and the lessons learned with the work in schools and industry.


Dr. Jussi Okkonen works currently as a Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Information Technologies and Communication Sciences at Tampere University, Finland. The key topic in his research work is performance and productivity. From 1997 Okkonen has approached productivity and performance issues of knowledge work and knowledge intensive organisations from theoretical and practical perspectives in several national and international research projects. Due to digitalization of work environments Okkonen has put more emphasis on extended, augmented, asynchronic and spatially dispersed work and humans in digital environments. The underlying theme still is the individual and organizational performance connected to information ergonomics. Other research topics are digital learning environments, HCI and software engineering.