
Mohammad Khalil: Translating Educational Data into Visuals

October 7, 2022


510N3 (Blåbær), 5th Floor, Thormøhlens Gate 55, Høyteknologisenteret

Mohammad Khalil, a senior researcher at SLATE, will be the speaker at this month's Visual Computing Forum (VCF) seminar. The monthly VCF seminars are arranged by VisGroup, the visualization group at the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, Norway.

The topic of Khalil's seminar is "Translating Educational Data into Visuals: Insights from the field of Learning Analytics". You are very welcome to join the meeting either physically at Høyteknologisenteret or virtually in Zoom.

Mohammad Khalil, Senior researcher at SLATE.


Since the last decade, higher education has moved online, and institutions have had access to more student data than ever before. Employing student data to improve learning experiences and environments was disseminated in 2011, a field of so-called Learning Analytics. For over 12 years, the emergence of Learning Analytics has evolved into a mature research field and practice that gained attention by institutions and governments. In this talk, Mohammad Khalil will share with you how learning analytics is enabled via collecting, processing, and reporting of students' data. One of the major outcomes of learning analytics is visuals formed in dashboards that help teachers, students, advisors, and institutions to act in order to improve the learning process and experience.


Mohammad Khalil, PhD, is a senior researcher of Learning Analytics at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen. His research interests focus on understanding online learning behavior based on students' digital traces in virtual environments. His other research interests include privacy and ethics, and visualizations. Khalil is the author of over 70 research papers in scholarly journals and international conferences in the areas of Learning Analytics and Technology-Enhanced Learning.