Thispresentation summarises current results of our three-year effort on analysingacademic motivation, learning behaviour and peer networks in a two-year blendedminor specialisation on Data Science in the HSE University St. Petersburg.First, I take higher-level view talking about non-STEM majors choosing minorprogrammes in HSE based on the Expectancy-Value framework. Second, I discussour study on the connection between the structure of academic motivation,digital footprints of learning behaviour in the blended environment andacademic achievement. Last, I focus on the first results of our peer networks study,talking about networks of friendship, advice and code-exchange and theirconnection with academic achievement.
Ilya Musabirov’s research interests include ComputationalSocial Science, Learning Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing,and Web Science. Learn more about his researchand teaching activity.