
UiB AI #6: Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education

April 14, 2023

10:00 - 12:00

Universitetsaulaen, University of Bergen, Sydnestunnelen, 5007 Bergen

In this edition of the seminar series "UiB AI", our colleagues from SLATE will take on the exciting and highly current topic of learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education! Professor Barbara Wasson, Senior Researcher Mohammad Khalil, Associate Professor Malgorzata Cyndecka, and Postdoc Anja Salzmann will present SLATE's work.

The seminar series «UiB AI» shines a light on a relevant topic where tools based on artificial intelligence could have an impact on research and education. UiB AI has been established in order to coordinate and make visible all that is happening around AI at the University of Bergen, as well as to enable collaboration and contact with partners outside of UiB.

Illustration: UiB AI.

Artificial intelligence in education (AIED) is an academic field established in the 1980s that carries out research on using AI to support learning, i.e. learning with AI. Artificial intelligence and education (AI&ED) addresses the various connections between AI and education that include using AI to learn about learning, learning about AI, and preparing for AI.

At the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) at UiB, we carry out research on learning analytics and AI in education from technological, pedagogical, interpretive, legal, ethical, and cultural perspectives. You're welcome to join us for the UiB AI seminar on April 14th, where we will present this work.

Please note: This edition of the UiB AI seminar will be held in English. The event will not be streamed.

The registration deadline is April 12th at 16:00. Registration is free. Please register here.

The seminar starts with coffee/tea at 10:00 - 10:15, and ends with the serving of a light lunch at 11:30 - 12:00.


AI in Education: Then & Now

Barbara Wasson, Professor & Director, SLATE

Understanding Educational Data: Insights from the Field of Learning Analytics  

Mohammad Khalil, Senior Researcher, SLATE

Learning analytics through the lens of the GDPR. Lessons learnt from the AVT project

Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka, Associate professor, The Faculty of Law and SLATE

Datafication of education - constructing education and knowledge through data

Anja Salzmann, Postdoctoral Fellow, SLATE

Q&A and Conclusion

Moderator: Barbara Wasson