Celebrating SLATE's LAK24 winners!

March 22, 2024

SLATE would like to congratulate and celebrate Qinyi Liu, Kamila Misiejuk, and Mohammed Khalil for winning awards at the 14th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK24) held by Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) in Kyoto, Japan. 

Qinyi's PhD project, supervised by Mohammad Khalil, was awarded “Best Poster Award”  for illustrating her PhD journey, on the subject Trustworthy Learning Analytics.

Mohammad and Kamila were given the “Best Full Paper Award” for their work on the paper “Have Learning Analytics Dashboards Lived Up to the Hype? A Systematic Review of Impact on Students’ Achievement, Motivation, Participation and Attitude” together with Rogers Rogers Kaliisa, Sonsoles López-Pernas, and Mohammed Saqr. 

The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) is an interdisciplinary network of leading international researchers who are exploring the role and impact of analytics on teaching, learning, training and development. LAK24 was held at local host Kyoto University. For more information on the event, visit: https://www.solaresearch.org/events/lak/lak24/

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