“Doing research on learning analytics” – and other things

June 6, 2018

In addition to scientific production involving paper publishing, presenting research activity, participating in and hosting scientific workshops and conferences, the renovation work around SLATE’s office and research space was completed. The co-location enhances the supportive interdisciplinary and inclusive culture so essential to build and maintain a research centre. Growing understanding of the newly established research fields SLATE works with has necessitated a re-organisation of SLATE’s growing project portfolio. The current organisational themes include: Learning Analytics; Creativity, Learning & Technology; Assessment Innovation & Theoretical Pedagogy; and, Emerging Technologies and their Underlying DATA. 

As the Journal Nature reminds us, scientific output is more than simply research publications. It includes networking (participating in and arranging scientific meetings, as well as building research consortia), building Data Sets, establishing tools and products such as web portals (SLATE’s Learning Analytics Portal and models.

The slow and steady growth of SLATE’s social media accounts underline that the Centre is gaining recognition as being a scientific resource in its fields of interest.

Learn more in SLATE’s Annual Report 2017.

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