October 17, 2017
By all accounts, the University of Bergen’s Digital Day was a rousing success! Around 1000 UiB employees attended to learn more about digital activity on-going around UiB.
A number of SLATE’s researchers were present at SLATE’s stand to present SLATE’s activity. PhD student, Joakim Vindenes', hands-on demo of Virtual Reality was a hit! Researcher Nina Morlandstø was on hand to introduce people to SLATE’s initiative to map the opportunities and challenges involved in using Learning Analytics.
Access SLATE’s Learning Analytics portal https://lap.app.uib.no
The SLATE stand included a number of posters. Researchers Cecilie Hansen (iComPAss), Ingunn Johanne Ness (Creative Knowledge Processes), Angelica Ortiz de Gortari (eSportsNS) and Centre Director, Barbara Wasson were active much of the day to explain their work.
In addition, Centre Director, Barbara Wasson and SLATE Associated researcher, Robert Gray, gave two of the day’s oral presentations.
Read more about Digital Day (in Norwegian) from the UiB web pages (the Facebook page includes a video)