Erasmus+ Stragetgic Partnership to SLATE

June 24, 2020

Data Literacy for Citizens (DALI)

In a digital world where data are more than ever ubiquitous, almost every app and every service is collecting data about us, andit is more critical than ever that we can understand the role of those data -and the algorithms behind them- in our lives, as well as  learn how to use the data, and how to make informed decisions about them. DALI aims to empower individuals (young adults, general adults, seniors) for responsible citizenship / civic engagement in terms of data, by acquiring and developing key competences related to data literacy. DALI addresses basic training in data literacy for adult learners in non-formal contexts, through the co-creation, piloting, and evaluation of pedagogical strategies and a toolkit of games and playful learning resources with adult learners. In addition, we will develop methods for implementation with stakeholders that work with adult education, and provide a set of policy recommendations for the development of a European Data Literacy framework for citizens, including young adults, professionals and seniors.

Raising awareness for data and its use and increasing data literacy in European citizens is the overall impact we intend to achieve with the DALI project. We support this by providing educational materials for use in non-formal learning contexts that are tried and tested with the target stakeholder groups (see, associated partners) and made available for free access on a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA) license to ensure open access. Maintaining a repository of results after the project, and adding our results to existing repositories (e.g., Wikimedia Commons, EPALE ), when DALI is over will support the use by institutions and organisations, in Europe and internationally, to foster digital competence and agency.

SLATE Director Professor Barbara Wasson will lead the project and Researcher Cecilie Hansen and Chief Engineer Gleb Bekloyrs will also participate.

Partners: Universitetet i Bergen (coordinator), Universidad de Murica, Spain, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen Nuernberg, Germany, Universitat deles Illes Balears, Spain, Coventry University, UK

Associated Partners: Pensjonistforbundet and Kompetanse Norge (Directorate for Lifelong Learning), Norway; Office for the education of the unemployed in Ibiza, a member ofParliament of the Balearic Islands, Faro Digial (NGO), IKANOS, the Basque Coalition for Digital Skills, and Jobs 4.0, Spain; Volkshochschule Fürth and Bildungszentrum Nürnberg, Germany; and Coventry City Council’s Library Service, UK.  

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