September 14, 2018
Six representatives from SLATE attended the 5-day conference (9-14 Sept), giving talks, presenting posters, and chairing sessions. Conference programme.
The conference was about the dramatic impact Big Data is having on many aspects of our networked 21st Century lives.
In a Session on Technical innovation, Jeanette Samuelsen gave a presentation: Supporting Assessment Through a Semantic Web Approach to Integration of Multiple Data Sources.
In a Session on Teacher use of assessment, Astrid Tolo was the chair.
In a Session on Transparency and accountability, Astrid Tolo et al gave a presentation: School Leaders Transforming Accountability Information into Actionable Knowledge: Balancing Trust and Control.
In a Session on New techniques, Kamila Misiejuk and Barbara Wasson gave a presentation: Challenges in Using Learning Analytics to Explore Peer Assessment Data.
In a Session on Accountability, Fay Wheldon and Astrid Tolo gave a presentation: Intelligent Accountability and Big Data
In a Session on In defense of small data, Cecilie Hansen and Barbara Wasson gave a presentation: Using Big and Small Data to See, Explore, and Inquire
In a Session on Standard Setting, Barbara Wasson and Cecilie Hansen were the chairs.
IAEA offers a global forum for all those involved in all forms of educationalassessment – in primary or secondary schools, colleges or the workplace. Itsmembers include examining bodies, university departments, researchorganisations and government agencies from more than 50 countries on allcontinents. Learn more.