@IAEA2018: Big Data and Our Networked 21st Century Lives

September 14, 2018

Six representatives from SLATE attended the 5-day conference (9-14 Sept), giving talks, presenting posters, and chairing sessions. Conference programme.

The conference was about the dramatic impact Big Data is having on many aspects of our networked 21st Century lives.


Highlights included:

In a Session on Technical innovation, Jeanette Samuelsen gave a presentation: Supporting Assessment Through a Semantic Web Approach to Integration of Multiple Data Sources.

In a Session on Teacher use of assessment, Astrid Tolo was the chair.

In a Session on Transparency and accountability, Astrid Tolo et al gave a presentation: School Leaders Transforming Accountability Information into Actionable Knowledge: Balancing Trust and Control.

In a Session on New techniques, Kamila Misiejuk and Barbara Wasson gave a presentation: Challenges in Using Learning Analytics to Explore Peer Assessment Data.

In a Session on Accountability, Fay Wheldon and Astrid Tolo gave a presentation: Intelligent Accountability and Big Data

In a Session on In defense of small data, Cecilie Hansen and Barbara Wasson gave a presentation: Using Big and Small Data to See, Explore, and Inquire

In a Session on Standard Setting, Barbara Wasson and Cecilie Hansen were the chairs.

IAEA offers a global forum for all those involved in all forms of educationalassessment – in primary or secondary schools, colleges or the workplace. Itsmembers include examining bodies, university departments, researchorganisations and government agencies from more than 50 countries on allcontinents. Learn more.


See the wrap-up video of IAEA2018

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