YFL grant is awarded to SLATE scholar Mohammad Khalil

August 26, 2020

We are please to announce that SLATE's Senior Researcher Mohammad Khalil has been selected for the Programme for Young Research Leaders 2020/2021 (YFL).

What is YFL (Young Research Leaders)?

The Faculty of Psychology at University of Bergen, and the Department of Psychology at the University of Tromsø, NTNU, and University of Oslo have joined forces on a leadership development program for young research leaders.

The management program aims to give talented young researchers the opportunity to further develop as research leaders, strengthen their opportunities to compete in national and international research funds, and to build good research networks. The program harnesses themes of Career Planning (UiO), Financing (UiB), Research Group Management and Networks (UiT), and last but not least, Communication and Research Strategy (NTNU) for the benefit of developing talented researchers skills.

For more information, please visit: https://www.uib.no/psyfa/43678/program-yngre-forskningsledere

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