June 19, 2020
Creativity, Learning and Technology
There is a vacancy for a PhD position at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) connected to the Creativity, Learning & Technology theme, led by Dr. Ingunn Johanne Ness. The position is financed through a cross-faculty PhD position in the strategic area Climate and Energy Transitions at the University of Bergen. This PhD candidate will carry out research that brings together knowledge and experience from different fields with an aim to contribute with new and innovative system dynamics models of collaboration on sustainable land use issues. The models should support stakeholder communication and collaboration processes and expand existing models on creative knowledge development and problem solving in interdisciplinary teams. The applicant must at the time of application hold a Master´s degree or the equivalent in either Psychology, Learning and Technology, System Dynamics or related field, and have a solid understanding of sustainable land use.
Detailed information about the position can be obtained by contacting:
Dr. Ingunn Johanne Ness
Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE)
Faculty of Psychology
+47 55 58 48 60
Professor Birgit Kopainsky
System Dynamics Group
Faculty of Social Sciences
+47 55 58 30 92