September 26, 2017
SLATE associated researcher, Vlad P. Glăveanu, was one of the 3 editors. The Handbook is part of the Cambridge University Press’ series, Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology. Learn more from the Cambridge University Press web site.
SLATE researcher and Cluster 3 leader, Ingunn Johanne Ness says that the book offers a meta perspective on creativity – it provides reflections on how creativity is viewed differently. She underlines that it is a valuable new resource and highlights the work of many top international researchers.
Glăveanu is now a SLATE Professor II associated with Cluster 3: Creative Knowledge Processes: Facilitating creativity, innovation, and idea development.
The Cambridge University Press web site provides the following description:
Creativity is of rising interest to scholars and laypeople alike. Creativity in the arts, however, is very different from creativity in science, business, sports, cooking, or teaching. This book brings together top experts in the field from around the world to discuss creativity across many different domains. Each chapter includes clear definitions, intriguing research, potential measures, and suggestions for development or future directions. After a broad discussion of creativity across different domains, subsequent chapters look deeper into those individual domains (traditional arts, sciences, business, newer domains, and everyday life) to explore how creativity varies when expressed in different ways. Ultimately, the book offers a future-looking perspective integrating the different variations of creativity across domains.