Creativity, Learning and Technology: The newest publications

June 3, 2020

New special Issue in the Creativity Research journal

Associate Professor at SLATE, Vlad Gleavenu, Senior Researcher at SLATE, Ingunn Johanne Ness, and Constance de Saint-Laurent are co-editors on a Special issue of the Creativity Research journal called Creativity, Learning and Technology. This special issue looks at the complex relationship between creativity, learning, and technology and in the editorial article, they consider the papers included in the special issue, by summarizing their main ideas and connecting them to bigger questions surrounding the impact of technology on creativity and learning. In addressing these questions, they propose a balanced and reflective account of technology-enabled creative learning in the 21st century.

New article: “Polyphonic Imagination: Understanding Idea Generation in Multidisciplinary Groups as a Multivoiced Stimulation of Fantasy”

Ingunn Johanne Ness and Professor Emerita contributes to the Special issue on Creativity, Learning and Technology with the article “Polyphonic Imagination: Understanding Idea Generation in Multidisciplinary Groups as a Multivoiced Stimulation of Fantasy”. The article reports from a project focused on organizational creativity at the group level, investigating what characterized such creative processes in that context. Ness & Dysthe discuss how imagination involves new ways of combining knowledge and ideas based on one’s own and others experiences, including the use of technological tools. They propose a concept of Polyphonic Imagination, derived from the empirical data, to designate the ways in which different perspectives in the groups created tensions that fed into the group members´ imagination whenever these perspectives acknowledged each other.

New chapter: “The zone of proximal development” in Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible

Senior Researcher at SLATE, Ingunn Johanne Ness, is Section Editor and author in the Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. The encyclopedia represents a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners interested in an emerging multidisciplinary area within psychology and the social sciences. Ness´ article is on the zone of proximal development and how the ZPD is about more than passive scaffolding from the more capable other. Instead it is closely connected to the idea of expanding the possible, using one’s imagination, and pushing boundaries for what is known. The article outlines the zone’s core principles and elaborates how the ZPD involves creativity, play, and emotions.

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