November 16, 2021
There is a vacancy for a PhD position at the Faculty of Psychology, Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), at the University of Bergen, within the field of learning analytics, in particular related to data protection and privacy. The position is for a fixed term of 3 years and the co-supervisor will be from the Faculty of Law.
The Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) is a learning sciences research centre that carries out interdisciplinary research on the use of data and learning analytics to understand learning, teaching, and creative knowledge processes across the full learning lifespan. Hosted at the Faculty of Psychology, SLATE has a broad mandate as a national research and competence centre for learning analytics. We are a dynamic and including milieu of 18 persons, including faculty, researchers, adjuncts, postdocs, PhDs candidates, and support staff.
The notion of data protection and its principles as a norm has been increasingly raised in the fields of AI and Learning Analytics. The adoption of recent legal and regulatory framework regarding data protection (i.e., GDPR) and its impact on national laws, the increasing demands for fairness and transparency in the collection, analysis and reporting of student data, as well research and institutional endeavours to adopt Learning Analytics, are key drivers for this PhD project.
Since 2011, Learning Analytics has expounded its potential to increase student support and enhance the learning experience. Central to Learning Analytics is the collection, storage, analysis and use of student data to improve learning and the learning environment (e.g., feedback). However, it is not clear what levels of awareness and understanding students have about the scope of the use and their rights regarding their personal data. Learning Analytics, like many AI and Big Data practices, is prevalent with data protection and privacy problems and ethical issues, which continue to grow in complexity.
This PhD project will focus on understanding and mapping data protection and privacy issues surrounding algorithms and the use of student data for learning analytics, and how to explain these to relevant stakeholders. In addition, the project will investigate the visions of learning analytics together with demands of the data protection regulations on understanding opportunities and challenges in learning analytics in general, and in the Norwegian context in particular.
In addition to their research, the PhD candidate is expected to:
The duration of the PhD position is 3 years. The employment period may be reduced if you have previously been employed in a recruitment position. You cannot be employed in a PhD position for more than one fixed-term position at the same institution.
About the research training:
As a PhD Candidate, you must participate in an approved educational programme for a PhD degree for a period of 3 years. When your application is evaluated for the position, you will also be evaluated for admission to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Psychology.
You will find further information about the PhD programme at the Faculty of Psychology here
Detailed information about the position can be obtained by contacting: