June 29, 2022
Merike Saar, a PhD fellow at Tallinn University, is visiting SLATE this week funded through an exchange under the EU twinning project SEIS: Scaling up Educational Innovation in Schools (SEIS). SEIS is a partnership between the University of Tallinn, Estonia and Tampere Research Centre for Information & Media (TAU), University of Tampere, Finland and the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (UiB), University of Bergen, Norway.
Saar's research involves studying data-informed teacher inquiry into their own practices. In her work she is exploring how data about teaching and learning from physical classrooms, collected with digital tools, could help teachers in adjusting their teaching methods and strategies to improve practice. In particular: 1) To what extent do teachers’ perceptions of their pedagogical, technological and TI skills correspond to their use of technology in the process of TI, 2) How do teachers make sense of and interpret the data collected during TI, and 3) How do teachers’ implementation of TI relate to their concern levels about TI?
While at SLATE he will be working with Researcher Cecilie Hansen, be involved in SLATE activities, and will present her work.