SLATE Launching AI and Data-Focused Game Package for Schools!

SLATE Launching AI and Data-Focused Game Package for Schools!

July 10, 2024

In August, during an AI-focused inspiration day event for teachers, SLATE Postdoc Fride Klykken will present “Delta i Data!”— a game package on data literacy that will be distributed to all upper secondary schools in Vestland County, Norway!

How can AI be used as a learning promotion tool? How do we facilitate good learning processes when the pupils can use AI? And how can the learning processes provide a basis for better assessment? What do the pupils need to know about source usage, and how can we train to become good and critical internet users?

The game package "Delta i Data!", developed by the DALI project and SLATE, with help from the Vestland County Council AI group. Photo: Ingvild Abildgaard Jansen.

In August, SLATE Postdoctoral Researcher Fride Haram Klykken and SLATE Director Professor Barbara Wasson from SLATE will join the event “Inspiration Day for teachers in upper secondary schools on learning with artificial intelligence”, centered on seeking answers to these important questions. The event takes place both on August 13th in the Grieg Hall in Bergen, and on August 14th at Førde Upper Secondary School.

In Bergen, Postdoc Fride Klykken will be presenting “Delta i Data!”, a game package for data literacy in schools, with Rosaline Barendregt, Researcher at SLATE.

“Delta i Data!”

The “Delta i Data!” game package was developed as part of the Erasmus+ project DALI - Data Literacy for Citizenship, and further developed by SLATE (UiB), with help from the Vestland County Council AI group. For the start of school in August, the Director of Education and Skills at Vestland County Council, Bjørn Lyngedal, has announced support for schools in their work with artificial intelligence. All upper secondary schools in Vestland County will receive the game package "Delta i Data!", which is a good "getting-to-know-you" activity for the start of the school year, when relationship building is especially important.

The game package "Delta i Data!". Photo: Ingvild Abildgaard Jansen.

The games can be used to start the dialogue between the students by creating good conversations about their own interests, but also to learn about how we share and communicate digitally through data in our daily lives. Learning about data is particularly relevant today, as data is the driving force behind AI technology. The games provide a basis for further work with AI and digital citizenship.

The game package contains two games, “DataDelta” and “Data Iceberg”.

DataDelta is a round-based card game designed to promote citizenship. The game asks players to find specific items online in the form of images, videos, websites, and music tracks that are important to them. This not only helps improve the online knowledge of the players, but also greatly enhances their awareness of each other’s lives.

Data Iceberg is a memory game where players learn about data by recognising and categorising different types of data in a variety of everyday situations. The game uses a deck of cards and personal boards with rectangular spaces to place pairs of cards. Each space represents a different category of data. Teamwork and discussions are heavily encouraged!

A digital mini version of Data Iceberg is already available to play online.
SLATE Postdoc Fride Klykken presenting the "Delta i Data!" game package at Fagskulen Vestland, Bergen, May 13th. Photo: Ingvild Abildgaard Jansen.

As a postdoctoral researcher, Fride Haram Klykken is associated with the SLATE project AI and Education: Layers of Trust (EduTrust AI). She also continues to work with the DALI project.

Fride Klykken also presented the "Delta i Data!" game package earlier this year, at Fagskulen Vestland in Bergen, on May 13th, together with SLATE Researcher Rosaline Barendregt.

Data and Artificial Intelligence

During the “Inspiration Day for teachers in upper secondary schools on learning with artificial intelligence” event, Professor Barbara Wasson will hold a talk entitled “Data Drives Artificial Intelligence”, based on her many years of experience with the topics of data and AI.

Barbara Wasson, Director of the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen, is a professor at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies. She was a member of the Ministry of Education's expert group for learning analysis that delivered the Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 2023:19. Wasson is also a member of the expert group for AI and education in the Council of Europe (report), the subgroup for higher education policy in the Council of Europe CDPPE, the steering group for UiB AI, and the UiB steering group for digital knowledge and competence. In addition, she was the program manager for the 14th International Conference on Learning Analysis and Knowledge 2024 (LAK24), Kyoto, Japan.

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