February 7, 2017
Norgesuniversitetet” is a public administrative body that advises the Norwegian Ministry of Education Research. By funding development projects at Norway’s universities and colleges, “Norgesuniversitetet” promotes the development and use of technology in learning. A total of 19 projects received funding for 2017.
Gray’s project will focus primarily on Digital Assessment, but will also include elements relating to Active Learning. It is part of the University of Bergen (UiB)’s efforts to encourage instructors to make use of alternative assessment methods in their courses. The initiative is in response to the growing body of research showing that students learn best when given opportunities for formative assessment and feedback.
The project is grounded in the idea that innovative assessment practices can have the most positive effect on student learning. As Gray writes:
“Thoughtfully designed and employed formative (and summative) assessment activities can facilitate student learning in the spaces between the lecture and “skoleeksam”, and this can be done without these activities being too prescriptive or controlling. Indeed, the best assessment activities can lead students to their own discoveries and learning pathways.”
The project will involve “hands-on” interaction with a pilot group of about 20 instructors who will attend lectures given by experts in this field and travel to other locations to see what other institutions of higher learning are doing. They will learn how to re-design their courses principally by designing, developing and implementing new assessment methods through using digital tools provided by or through “MittUiB” / Canvas. This will involve developing new instructional methods that alighn with and complement new assessment practises.
Contact Robert Gray to learn more about participating.
News about the project in Norwegian:
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