SLATE Welcomes New Employees

December 15, 2021

SLATE welcomes new employees - researcher Anja Salzman and communication officer Malgorzata Anna Pacholczyk.


Anja Salzman has written her doctoral thesis about responsible innovation in mobile journalism, where she explores learning and innovation processes of professional journalists and the broader societal consequences that are attached to adopting risk technologies in journalistic practice. Her project was part of an international transdisciplinary project at the Department of information Science and Media Studies, UiB, that explored the adoption of visual surveillance technologies in the news media (Vismedia). She holds a master’s degree in Applied Media Sciences from the Ilmenau University of Technology in Germany. Salzmann has worked as a senior teacher in media courses at a Norwegian high school, and as an assistant for several research groups at the University of Bergen. She has experience as a journalist as well as in market communication. Anja engages in public debates about digitisation of society and promotes a technological development from a responsible and humanistic perspective that puts the human and not technology at its center.


Malgorzata Anna Pacholczyk holds a master’s degree in Journalism and Social Communication from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. She has previously worked as research assistant in media studies, journalist and communication officer in the Norwegian public sector. Pacholczyk is splitting her time between SLATE and MediaFutures Research Centre, where she also holds a communication officer position.

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