May 10, 2022
Geerte Koster has studied Biomedical Sciences in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and is currently doing a Masters in Bioinformatics at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. For this Masters, two internships are required: one in the field of bioinformatics and one internship that broadens your horizon. She has done her first internship exploring the possibilities of machine learning using biomedical data. Now, she does her second internship at SLATE to focus on how others can be made aware about the impact and possibilities of data. She will participate in the DALI project where she will develop a mini-game with the aim to improve data literacy. Moreover, she will join a project to create a visualisation tool for the curriculum mapping of the psychology program at the UiB. With this project, points of strengths and improvement of the program will be identified. She will stay at SLATE for four months.