February 9, 2023
This semester, Inmaculada Haba-Ortuño from the University of Murcia in Spain will be working at SLATE as a Researcher on the transnational game research and development project DALI.
Inmaculada Haba-Ortuño started working on the DALI project through her native University of Murcia (Universidad de Murcia) in Spain. Now she works as a Researcher on the DALI project at SLATE. Haba-Ortuño will stay at SLATE for six months, starting from January.
The DALI project is a transnational collaboration between partner universities in Norway, England, Spain, and Germany: The University of Bergen, Coventry University, Universidad de Murcia, Universitat de les Illes Balears, and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
The goal of the DALI project is to support individual adults in different age groups so they can acquire basic training in data literacy, empowering them to take responsibility not only for their own data, but also for their children’s data or the data of elderly relatives. This happens through co-creating, piloting, and evaluating pedagogical strategies and a toolkit of games and playful learning resources, as well as methods for implementation with stakeholders that work within adult education.
Working together with SLATE Researcher Fride Haram Klykken and SLATE leader Professor Barbara Wasson, Haba-Ortuño is going to finish the adaptations for the different target groups (young adults, general adults, workers and seniors) of the games that have been already developed for the DALI project.
They will also test the games and its adaptations through field trials, with at least two of the target groups and an intergenerational target group.
As the current incarnation of the DALI project is now in its last year, they are involved with policy recommendations at the macro, meso and micro level, and are discussing the recommendations with the rest of the partners— and will be discussing them with the associated partners later.
About Inmaculada Haba-Ortuño
Inmaculada Haba-Ortuño (or Inma, as she prefers to be called) has a bachelor’s degree in Primary Education with a specialization in English as Foreign Language from the University of Murcia, and a master’s degree in Educational Technology from the University of Balearic Island. The focus of her master’s thesis was speech recognition and its use in language learning.