Teacher Competency in a Changing World

September 12, 2017

SLATE researcher, Astrid Tolo has published a book about competency and professionalism in teaching («Kompetanse og læreprofesjonalitet»).


 Clearly and accessibly written, the book addresses the idea of competency: what does this concept entail and how does it relate to teachers and the teaching profession. Furthermore, how can a better understanding of the concepts and expectations around the idea of teacher competency lead to more optimal strategies for continuing competency development in teachers to address their rapidly changing educational world.


The book is based on ideas and experiences from Tolo’s own research in the area of teacher competency. She considers how teachers address their own competencies, and how this impacts their ability to ensure that their students develop the competencies needed to contribute and function in a constantly changing, competition-driven world. While focusing primarily on the specifics of the Norwegian teaching profession, Tolo’s reflections are relevant to the profession in general: teachers are critical players in ensuring long-term national prosperity in all countries!


Tolo considers the full gambit of interest groups in teacher competency, from political leaders, through the chain of educational leadership and organisational structures, to the students themselves. She reflects on how each group may have different interpretations of the idea of teacher competency, and presents a common point of reference for debate and reflection among all groups. It is highly recommended to all Norwegian readers!



SLATE congratulates Tolo on her new appointment as the new Head of the Department of Education at the Faculty of Psychology.



Access the Publisher's website to learn more about the book.

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