Adaptive Learning in Mathematics (ALMAT): Gyldendal Multi Smart Øving

ALMAT explored the use of the adaptive learning program, Multi Smart Øving (MSØ). MSØ is created for primary schools, 1st to 7th grade, and is the only adaptive program used in primary schools in Norway.

According to Gyldendal (the publisher), the intention behind MSØ is that the subject matter is constantly adapted to the individual student's abilities and needs. A student who shows mastery of a task is given tasks that are increasingly advanced, while a student who struggles with a learning material will be given tasks adapted to their level of performance. In addition, the program provides an overview of the students competency for the teachers.

MSØ was evaluated from a mathematical didactical perspective, and an analysis of gathered empirical data on how teachers use and experience the program, how the vendors experience their own product, and how MSØ is presented commercially was carried out.

Final Reports:

Egelandsdal, K., Smith, M., Hansen, C.J.S., Ness, I.J. & Wasson, B.  (2019). Adaptiv læring i matematikk: empirisk rapport om Multi Smart Øving i grunnskolen. SLATE Research Report 2019-4, Bergen: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-93789-02-4

Kynigos, C. (2019). Adaptive Learning in Mathematics: Situating Multi Smart Øving in the Landscape of Digital Technologies for Mathematics Education. SLATE Research Report 2019-3, Bergen, Norway: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-93789-00-0

Project Period:

Project Period:

August 2018

June 2019

Funded By:

SLATE, University of Bergen

Project Leader:

Kjetil Egelandsdal

Project Members:

Chronis Kynigos, Cecilie Hansen, Ingunn Johanne Ness, Maria Smith, Barbara Wasson

Project Partners:

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