Map LA is a community-driven wiki-inspired web tool for self-mapping of the LA community in Norway, that displays the information in a linked way.
Part of the mandate for SLATE is to carry out a national survey of the state of Learning Analytics in Norway, including limitations and opportunities. The Map LA (Mapping Learning Analytics) project was started to oversee this task.
The project aims to get an insight to the visions of Learning Analytics and look at opportunities and limitations.
The Learning Analytics Portal shows the use of, research in and possible data sources for Learning Analytics in Norway.
The Learning Analytics Portal (Læringsanalyseportalen) aims to provide people involved in learning analysis in Norway with a tool for creating / summarizing activities, organizations, persons, dissemination, applications and data sources relevant to learning analysis. The Learning Analytics Portal is designed to be relevant to academia, business, school and education, and the public sector.
The Learning Analytics Portal intends to support the norwegian Learning Analytics community, and to map the relationships between the different parts of this community.
The Learning Analytics Portal works as a wiki, where the content is determined by the members themselves. The information is freely available to everyone, but updating of information requires login. The content is moderated by SLATE at the University of Bergen.
The MAP-LA Wiki can be found here.