The growing use of technology in teacher practices requires methods to support and guide teachers in the use of student data to enable them to participate in evidence-based decision-making. Teacher inquiry into student learning (TISL) is an approach that investigates how teachers use student learning data to improve their own teaching practice (Hansen & Wasson, 2016; Lukin et al., 2016). Teacher inquiry, can be seen both as a way to improve day-to-day teaching in the classroom and as professional development.
TISL has a particular emphasis on the use of student results generated in the information and technology-rich classroom, and is thus also related to data literacy and use for teaching (Wasson & Hansen, 2016). It is this turn towards evidence-centered methods and teaching design that teacher inquiry into student learning (TISL) aims to support.
In our current research we investigate if and how teachers collect, analyse, and use students' assessment data to understand and adapt their own teaching, and the role of technology in supporting these practices.
How do teachers describe the practice of using student data, and does there exist a common understanding of such practice?
What role does technology play in supporting practitioners in the teacher inquiry process and in the use of student data for evidence-based decision-making?
Our research builds further on our previous work in the NEXT-TELL EU project (2010-2014) (Reimann et al., 2016) where we developed the TISL HEART model and method (Hansen & Wasson, 2016; Luckin et al., 2016). It is also related to our Desentralisert Kompetanseutvikling project where we are introducing teachers to TISL, and our new EU Twinning project Scaling up Educational Innovation in Schools (SEIS) where we will develop tools to support TISL.