The Trustworthy AI Synergy


Dialogen, Faculty of Psychology, 2nd floor, Christies gate 12, Bergen

Artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved remarkable technological advancements in the last ten years and has begun to be integrated into research, education, work, and aspects of everyday life. However, for AI to earn widespread trust in society, the paramount requirements are the reliability of AI systems, their ethical application, and raising the general competence for comprehending this technology and its impact. Present-day AI systems suffer from challenges such as:

  • A lack of clear criteria for fundamental values such as fairness, responsibility, safety, and privacy
  • Deficiencies in legal frameworks governing AI systems
  • A need for a comprehensive understanding of AI, and AI’s impact on education, work, and everyday life

To address these challenges and strengthen high-quality AI research at UiB, the Trond Mohn Foundation (TMS) and the University of Bergen (UiB) developed the Trustworthy AI research programme and have funded three new research projects:

  • AI and Education: Layers of Trust (EduTrust AI). Project leader: Barbara Wasson
  • Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI. Project leader: Fedor Fomin
  • TRUSTworthy AI models to predict progression to complications in patients with Diabetes (TRUST-AI4D). Project leader: Valeriya Lyssenko

To facilitate co-operation and draw on synergy between these projects and other research at UiB, in Norway, and internationally, the Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has funded the transversal project Trustworthy AI Synergy (TAIS). TAIS facilitates cross-project collaboration through varoius collaboration, innovation, and interdisciplinary exchange to result in more significant and impactful outcomes, particularly in the complex and vital domain of Trustworthy AI.

Join us for a presentation of TAIS and the individual projects, and a lecture by our first international TAIS speaker!


13.00-13.30 Welcome, Trustworthy AI Synergy (TAIS), Professor Barbara Wasson

13.30-14.30 Keynote: TBD

14.30-14.45 Coffee break

14.45-15.15 Overview: Artificial Intelligence and Education: Layers of Trust (Edu Trust AI), Professor Barbara Wasson

15.15-16.00 Overview: TRUSTworthy AI models to predict progression to complications in patients with Diabetes, Professor Valeriya Lyssenko & Professor Iain Johnston

16.00-16.15 Leg stretcher

16.15-17.00 Overview: Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI, Professor Fedor Fomin

17.00-17.05 Closing remarks

Speakers (to be updated):

Professor Barbara Wasson

Director of SLATE, the national research & competence centre on learning analytics

Wasson is a leading expert in learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education. Wasson has long experience as a project (15+ projects), Centre (InterMedia & SLATE) and network leader (Kaleidoscope, EU). She holds a Masters (1985 Waterloo) and PhD (1990 Saskatchewan) in artificial intelligence with application in education and is a member of several national (Ministry of Education’s expert group on learning analytics) and international expert groups (Council of Europe’s Expert Group on AI and Education) and is Norway’s representative to the European Schoolnet Data Interest Group). She is the research leader of the AVT project which has been investigating the use of learning analytics and AI adaptive systems in Norwegian schools. Wasson is leading the TMS funded AI and Education: Layers of Trust (EduTrust AI) project.

Keynote: To Be Announced

Professor Valeriya Lyssenko

Mohn Research Center for Diabetes Precision Medicine & Klinisk institutt 2, University of Bergen

Valeriya Lyssenko is Professor of Medicine at University of Bergen. Her research field is pathophysiology of diabetes and associated complications with focus on underlying genomic susceptibility. She received her medical degree from the National Medical Institute in Kiev 1997, where she also defended her thesis in 2001. She then joined the diabetes research group at Lund University, Sweden to focus on genetic and non-genetic prediction of type 2 diabetes. Together with the Broad Institute (MIT/Harvard), Novartis and Lund University, she worked on a first Diabetes Genetic Initiative - a SNP atlas for type 2 diabetes. She was a visiting scientific researcher at the Broad Institute/MIT in Boston (2007-2008). Dr. Lyssenko is a principal investigator and scientific leader of PROLONG and DOLCE clinical studies. Current interest focuses on development of digital twin systems for patients with adult diabetes and modelling of disease trajectories to predict diabetes progression and treatment response.

Professor Iain Johnston

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen.

Professor Fedor Fomin

Department of Informatics, University of Bergen

Fedor Fomin is a professor in Algorithms at the University of Bergen. His research area is Theoretical Computer Science, and his current research interests are Graph Algorithms, Parameterized Complexity, Algorithmic Fairness, Algorithmic Foundations of Machine Learning, and Combinatorial Games. He is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, the Academia Europaea, and a Fellow of the ACM and the EATCS.

Funded by Globale samfunnsutfordringerand L. Meltzer's College Fund