AVT project selected for Datatilsynet's Responsible AI sandbox !

AVT project selected for Datatilsynet's Responsible AI sandbox !

March 11, 2021

SLATE's AVT2 (Aktivitetsdata for tilpasset læring og vurdering) project has been selected as one of four pioneer projects to participate in the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) regulatory Sandbox for Responsible AI. Datatilsynet writes that the goal of the Sandbox collaboration is to "ensure compliance with relevant regulations and the development of solutions that take privacy into account. We use examples and insights arising from sandbox projects to develop guidelines relevant for organizations implementing artificial intelligence and to further develop our own competence in this area." During the collaboration "the participants will play and learn together with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority with the aim of addressing legal gray areas with practical examples of how privacy can be integrated into AI projects." Read more in English here and here and in Norwegian here and here.

In collaboration with AVT funder KS, partner Oslo Kommune, Utdanningsetaten and Datatilsynet we will explore the challenges, boundaries, and possibilities related to the use of student data in adaptive learning tools that use AI and learning analytics to understand student progression, visualise results, and recommendend relevant learning resources.

SLATE Director Professor Barbara Wasson says "this is an extremely important opportunity for us. As the national centre for learning analytics it is important that we build more knoweldge about the possbilities and boundaries for the implementation of learning analytics in the educational sector. The majority of literature is build on theoretical reasoning about potential use. In AVT we are implementing learning analytics solutions across a Municipality where we collected student data from the use of multiple EdTech tools, analyse the data, share the data with students and teachers, and recommend further learning resources. Hence, guidance from the national data protection authorities on what is possible, is invaluable."

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KS reaction (in Norwegian)

AVT prosjekt @ KS

AVT prosjekt @ SLATE

Datatilsynets announcement

Datatilsynets Sandkasse

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