Research Blog

KickOff for Erasmus+ project DALI: Data Literacy for Citizens

January 12, 2021

On January 12th we held the (virtual) kickoff meeting for our exciting new Erasmus+ project on data literacy with collaborators from our four partners: Coventry University, Universidad de Murcia, Freidrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen Nurenberg, and Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Raising awareness for data and its use and increasing data literacy in European citizens is the overall impact that  DALI  wants to achieve. DALI supports this by providing educational materials for use in non-formal learning contexts that are tried and tested with the target stakeholder groups (associated partners) and made available for free access on a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA) license to ensure open access.

Associated partners that will participate in the co-creation and testing processes include:

Norway: PENSJONISTFORBUNDET, Kompetanse Norge (Directorate for Lifelong Learning)

Spain: The IKANOS initiative, Basque Coalition for Digital Skills, Jobs 4.0, Faro Digital, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT of the Balearic Islands, MEMBER of EUROPEAN PARLIMENT; Office for the education of the unemployed in Ibiza  

Germany: Volkshochschule Fürth, Bildungszentrum Nürnberg

UK: Coventry City Council’s Library Service