May 20, 2016
Cyberpsychologist Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari will give a guest lecture on “Game Transfer Phenomena: Altered perceptions, automatic mental processes and behaviours after playing video games”, 26 May.
Research into Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) examines non-volitional phenomena with game contents for understanding how video games influence gamers’ perceptions, cognitions and behaviours in daily contexts. Examples of GTP include: seeing power bars above people’s heads, perceiving environments and objects distorted, tactile sensations of gamepads, involuntary movements of fingers and saying something with game contents without intention. This introductory talk aims to overview the research on GTP conducted to date with over 3,500 gamers via qualitative and quantitative studies. The questions to be answered include: (i) What are GTP?, (ii) What GTP are the most common?, (iii) What factors are significantly associated with GTP?, (iv) What characterized those who experienced severe levels of GTP? The implications of the findings on the research on GTP will also be discussed.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari is a researcher in Cyberpsychology. Critical inquiry on the psychosocial implications of interactive media technologies has been her professional passion since undergraduate school, when she conducted one of the first studies on internet addiction. Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) is her area of research expertise, for which she has won awards. Dr. Ortiz de Gortari’s research has been featured in different media worldwide including Discovery News, History Channel News, BBC World Service, the New Scientist and the International Herald Tribune. Her research on GTP has even inspired an episode of the TV series CSI: Cyber. She has published academically and presented at several international conferences. The goal of her research is maximizing the psychological and social benefits of interactive virtual technologies while reducing the potential risks it can present to some individuals.
Gortari was interviewed by TV2 18 May, 2016. Check out her interview withTV2. (in Norwegian)
Gortari has an extensive web site on GTP (Click here).
Gortari has developed a series of cartoons that illustrate many gamer experiences. The goal with the cartoons is to inform and demystify game transfer phenomena.Gortari has been interviewed a number of times on TV, including Discovery News 25 April, 2016.The results of the studies Gortari has been involved with in GTP were used in the TV series CSI Cyber. Episode 11 (season 1) ‘Ghost in the machine’. Learn more.